The Main Room learning environment is for children aged 2-4 years and is open Monday- Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm.
It is a large open planned space which allows for sensory and scientific development, social language, physical play and creating and critical thinking. All areas are well planned to offer a broad and balanced EYFS curriculum. There is spaces set up for small and large group work. There is a social snack area, kitchen and bathroom.
Outside there is a safe and secure nursery garden for the children to access, which reflects the indoor learning environment.
The cost for childcare is currently £22.50 per session or £45.00 for a full day session. The sessions are 8:00am -1:00pm or 1:00pm – 5:00pm. Breakfast, lunch or tea will provided within the session. Every child is allocated a named ‘Key Worker’.
We have free 2 year education for those who meet the criteria; They will receive 12/15 hours per week.
We offer the 15 hour free entitlement to three and four year olds and also offer 24/30 hour free entitlement for those who meet the criteria.
*10% discount for full time children*